WCF Service Throttling Behaviour

WCF provide us a good way of extensibility to customize various WCF capabilities. We can customize Encoding message, Intercepting parameters etc. and extend the behaviour. Throttling behaviour of service plays an important role and can be set behaviour properties according to our business needs. Three important properties for optimizing our WCF service behaviour are - MaxConcurrentCalls, MaxInstances and MaxConnections [More]

Organized and presented at C# Corner Chandigarh Chapter meet on 03-August-2013

Being a Chapter Lead, I organized this event with help of executive members on technology discussion so named it “Technology Day”. We did this meeting on 3rd August at Unit Nexus Corporation, Zirakpur with help from SSS & Educational Society, Gorakhpur. [More]

PHP vs Asp.net

comparing asp.net with php is illogical. asp.net is a framework where php is a language. So, logically we should compare language with language and not a framework with language. [More]

What is SignalR ?

SignalR is new buzz in development technology. It is not going to replace asp.net but works for asp.net. It is a technology ( in more technical words it is a library) that facilitate us to add real-time functionality into our asp.net based applications. It is very useful where high time/real time update is required like online group gaming, chat, stock trade etc. [More]

Why JSON over XML ?

JSON(Java Script Object Notation) is syntax and can be said a data transfer pattern like XML but it is very simple as compare to XML’s structuring with nodes and attributes. [More]

Updating serial no in existing list using Linq

There could be many ways to update or change the serial number value in existing list. Using LINQ, we can update the serial number without using our normal loop. This can be done with help of Lambda Expression as below - int rowIndexNumber = 0; myExistingList.ToList() .ForEach(row... [More]